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Greek New Testament by Biblica
Explore the open-licensed Greek New Testament of the highest academic scholarship that is perpetually available without ongoing negotiation and payment of licensing fees.
Quality Assurance Articles
Discover insights from our Innovation Lab's research into CBBT QA Cycle. Explore studies, recommendations, and findings on how churches and communities can actively participate in ensuring accurate and effective translations.
Innovation Lab Quality Assurance Recommendations
Church-Based Bible Translation Training
These resources will provide you with detailed and step-by-step guides to the process of Church-Based Bible Translation, including manuals, case studies, tools, and much more.
FIA Process and Bible Well App
Recently in Kenya, Global Partners and SRV trained trainers in the FIA process and resources. FIA (Familiarize, Internalize, Articulate) equips teams to develop high-quality drafts of translated Scripture. These resources have been used by over five hundred translation teams.
SRV is now recommending the new FIA-optimized Bible Well app. Through the Bible Well, all translation team members can now access FIA resources on their mobile phones whether they are online or offline.